タカペン - Taka Pen's Blurt-Log

英訳歌詞とか日常 - Translyrics and Stuff


エアリス強化月間終了 / Conclusion to My Aerith Celebration Month

こんにちは! Hellos and welcome, dear readers! あれこれやり過ぎて勝手に てんやわんやなタカペンです♪ Yours truly have been all over the place that my head will not stop spinning! lol とりあえずエアリス強化月間の〆をば But I wanted to draw a…

【歌ってみた】Bling-Bang-Bang-Born - JP Cover w EN Subs

こんにちは! ふと思い立った動画の案と残業地獄が重なり 一心不乱に隙間時間全て動画作成に費やしてたタカペンです! Yours truly has been pretty much just working, eating, sleeping, and working on this latest cover video and nothing else for the…